Michael Howell
"Horizontal"(*see right),
Ph.D. in Educational Administration, Discovered Planetary Nebula Howell-Crisp 1.
PROFESSION: Semi-Retired Educator / Administrator / Consultant
INTERESTS: Astronomy/Astrophotography,
Professional Educator, Motorcycles, and being an ex-Park Ranger / Wildland Firefighter leads my interest in the outdoors. Oh yeah, I used to fly hang gliders at 14,000ft a couple of times.

"It never gets lonely at the

HOW I EARNED "HORIZONTAL" -- Hit a deer at 50mph at 6am on
way to school / work. Yes, I still ride. My 5 ribs healed faster than
the bike could be rebuilt. I'm not talkin' about those other three
times the rubber hit the sky. That's my story and I'm stickin' to